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Employee Login

You can be assured we're committed to excellence when it comes to the level of care we provide.

Dennis Cox - Owner Tracy Cox - Owner Javay Cox - Corporate HR Director Desmond Cox - CFO
Gloria Bivins - Marketing Assistant Maria Oakman - Scheduler Morgan Sullivan - Corporate QA Carol Ray - Clinical Manager
James Ray II - Director of Corporate Intake Adrian Halsell - Corporate Billing Manager Josephine Adams - Clinical Care Coordinator

Gateway Healthcare Services offers Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy & Occupational Therapy through the following companies.

Home Health Aide

Aides provide assistance with daily living, personal care and homemaking.


Psychiatric Nursing

Home care for patients with emotional disorders by RN's trained in psychiatric treatment.


Medical Skilled Nursing

Home Care for diabetes, wounds, hypertension, medical management, medication, teaching and many other skilled nursing services. Provided by an RN or LPN.